After several years of working in the fitness industry, Samer felt a desire to break away from the traditional gym system to provide his clients a more personal experience, the ability to combine theory and practice in sports science has given him this opportunity
a non-traditional trainer. Often staying away from conventional machines and a muscle-isolation style, Samer uses a variety of muscle-integration methods to challenge you physically and mentally. One workout could include a BOSU ball, a kettle bell, bands, and the TRX System just to name a few; you'll never be bored with your workouts again
This past year, Samer has received the opportunity to branch out from his master degree in kinesiology, the principles and the applications of gait assessment and locomotor system wellness and fitness, practicing these systems and studying the body movements has expanded his ideas of fitness and enabled him to become a more multi-dimensional trainer
Samer philosophy of quality of health-related fitness services helped him finding the answer to the enigma of underutilization of public and private sector health services. The notion of quality has emerged more strongly because of the rising costs of treatments, constrained resources in health services and evidence of variations in professional practice, therefore, pledging quality in health care services ought to be a priority for any health-related system